
The purpose of this project is to develop effective strategies for:

  • objective communication to stakeholders and the public at large about risks and advantages of CO2 capture and storage
  • involving stakeholders and the public in local decision-making on CCS projects.

The focus of this project is on the mechanisms that influence public attitudes through the CCS lifecycle: from the policy stage to planning application and eventually deployment.

Sub-objectives of the project include:

  • Provide insight into the current regulatory contexts and practices in public participation in selected EU Member States, and infer relevance for public participation in prospective CCS projects
  • Define public information needs regarding CCS and unravel the factors shaping public opinion in general to the extent that these may relate to CCS
  • Develop and assess participation strategies for involving the public in the vicinity of planned CCS operations
  • Develop, test, and use multi-media communication materials on CCS to investigate public perceptions.
  • Disseminate findings on effective public participation strategies and communication materials developed to local governments, NGOs and industrial organizations.